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Patchbays are a core piece of studio architecture and infrastructure. At Sound Pure we are dedicated to identifying the best patchbays on the market for each relevant application. As a result of this process, we are a user of numerous patchbays in out own commercial recording studio, as well as the studios that we design, service, and consult with. There have been some key advancements in the world of patchbays, particularly for those who choose not to spend their time with a hot soldering iron. Give us a call or e-mail anytime to discuss your specific needs, we are here for you!

Patchbays are a core piece of studio architecture and infrastructure. At Sound Pure we are dedicated to identifying the best patchbays on the market for each relevant application. As a result of this process, we are a user of numerous patchbays in out own commercial recording studio, as well as the studios that we design, service, and consult with. There have been some key advancements in the world of patchbays, particularly for those who choose not to spend their time with a hot soldering iron. Give us a call or e-mail anytime to discuss your specific needs, we are here for you! (view less)

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