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SoundToys is dedicated to bringing color, character, and creativity to the world of digital audio. We're truly fanatical about audio toys - both creating new ones and collecting old ones. Our toy collection runs from the 'classic' gear like the EQP-1, 1176, 1073, LA-2, 550a, ATR-102 (all the must-have numbers) to pedals and effects like Binson EchoRec, JetPhase, EP-1, Federal Compressors, FuzzFaces, Dim-D, Tri-Stereo Chorus, and on, and on.... All of this stuff is great inspiration for us, and helps us to know what 'good' sounds like. We'll try to get some pictures of our toy collection on-line, soon. In our 'past', we were responsible for designing some pretty insane effects gear - the H300... (view more)

SoundToys - SoundToys is dedicated to bringing color, character, and creativity to the world of digital audio. We're truly fanatical about audio toys - both creating new ones and collecting old ones. Our toy collection runs from the 'classic' gear like the EQP-1, 1176, 1073, LA-2, 550a, ATR-102 (all the must-have numbers) to pedals and effects like Binson EchoRec, JetPhase, EP-1, Federal Compressors, FuzzFaces, Dim-D, Tri-Stereo Chorus, and on, and on.... All of this stuff is great inspiration for us, and helps us to know what 'good' sounds like. We'll try to get some pictures of our toy collection on-line, soon. In our 'past', we were responsible for designing some pretty insane effects gear - the H3000 (and all it's various colors) and the DSP4000, way back when we were designers at Eventide. We've somehow managed to morph ourselves from hardware designers to software designers. SoundToys lives in Burlington, the biggest "city" in Vermont. We've probably got more cows than people in Vermont, so calling it a city is a bit of a stretch. It's a very cool place to live, especially if you're into sailing, hiking, skiing, or snowboarding, or just like living in a place where rush hour traffic is half a dozen cars at a stop light. And, it IS the home of SoundToys, as well as Burton Snowboards, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, Phish, and the University of Vermont. You might think that Vermont's a strange place for a high-tech software company to live, maybe expecting stuff like granola and organic dairy products. Well, we feel like we fit right in, and 'organic' is definitely something we're into. We're determined to make digital feel and sound truly organic and warm, and we hope you feel the same way. (view less)

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