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Equi=Tech Corporation is the pioneer of balanced AC power. Started in Oregon in 1992 by its President, Martin Glasband, it has grown in stature and size gaining recognition and acceptance in many high profile engineering circles and high tech industries as the leader of the balanced power revolution. . The mission of Equi=Tech Corporation is to promote and market balanced power systems and technology for the purpose of providing wide scale improvement in the performance of electrical and electronic equipment, reducing operating and maintenance costs and lowering the demand for electricity and fuel consumption by increasing the efficiency of utility power. Gaining acceptance of this revolutio... (view more)

Equi=Tech - Equi=Tech Corporation is the pioneer of balanced AC power. Started in Oregon in 1992 by its President, Martin Glasband, it has grown in stature and size gaining recognition and acceptance in many high profile engineering circles and high tech industries as the leader of the balanced power revolution. . The mission of Equi=Tech Corporation is to promote and market balanced power systems and technology for the purpose of providing wide scale improvement in the performance of electrical and electronic equipment, reducing operating and maintenance costs and lowering the demand for electricity and fuel consumption by increasing the efficiency of utility power. Gaining acceptance of this revolutionary technology in AC power has put the company to task on numerous fronts. Perhaps the most significant of these was to see to it that balanced AC power achieved acceptance and recognition in the National Electrical Code. Attaining this goal was crucial if the company was ever to realize fulfillment of its mission. In November of 1993, Mr. Glasband with a few of his associates in the electrical industry drafted a proposal to amend the National Electrical Code that outlined methods and standards for the use of balanced power. Upon presentation to the technical committees, the proposal caused considerable excitement among the panel's experts. Electrical industry leaders hailed the proposal as a "simple and elegant" solution to the growing power quality concerns and electrical noise issues confronting many high-tech electronic industries. The proposal overwhelmingly passed a vote of the committee and was adopted in the following edition of the National Electrical Code. Equi=Tech remained largely an R&D company until 1994. Then it entered the marketplace with some revolutionary electrical products. Because of Martin Glasband's background in the electrical power and professional recording industries, the professional audio arena was selected as his proving grounds. It wasn't long before Equi=Tech products received awards from many trade publications and associations in the audio, video and broadcasting industries. Balanced power proved to be the answer to many tough technical noise issues that had plagued engineers for many decades. Never before had engineers realized the superior level of performance from their equipment or quality in their finished products. Indeed, Equi=Tech balanced power systems provided no small advantage, rather the improvement in signal quality in the electronics was astonishing. Today, top studio designers rely on Equi=Tech to provide a stable, clean foundation for their clients sophisticated equipment needs. Today, the majority of music CDs and DVDs as well as movies and television programs are produced in studios that rely on balanced AC power from Equi=Tech. Professional engineers in diverse technical and scientific venues across the country have also discovered the electrical products and technology that Equi=Tech has to offer. From pharmaceutical drug manufacturers to national research laboratories and telecommunications companies, the interest has been growing rapidly across modern industry. The balanced power revolution is on. Today, Equi=Tech's turn-key systems and engineered designs can be found running cutting edge facilities such as NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Federal Aviation Agency's state-of-the-art ASR-8 Air Traffic Control Centers. With an eye towards the future, Equi=Tech pushes onward, marshaling its highly refined products, its superior application experience and its resources, opening new doors daily in an effort to accomplish its mission and to realize the vision of its founder and president, Martin Glasband. Attitude In the workplace and also in the marketplace, there is one purpose that is truly worthwhile, one purpose upon which every conscientious person can agree -- to approach one's work with an uncompromising desire to be the best one can be and to create the very best one is capable of creating -- to do things well and to learn how to do it better all the time. There has hardly been a moment since the incorporation of Equi=Tech on February 14, 1992 (St. Valentine's Day) when its passion and dedication to excellence and professionalism has not prevailed within its walls. Over time, the company has refined the technology and its products into an art form. Years of experience have provided its staff with numerous points of view and a broader understanding of better ways to achieve the company's mission objective. The cornerstone of the prevailing attitude at Equi=Tech is excellence and pride in the way its products are produced. The emphasis has always been on investing more in performance-critical components than in bells and whistles that may look appealing on a store display shelf or in a catalog but have little if any impact on the effectiveness or usefulness of the product. Only the highest standards in components and assembly methods are used in creating excellence. Reliability and dependability, simplicity, elegance and modest aesthetics are some of the qualities that are most highly valued. Product specifications are the tightest in the industry. This is why Equi=Tech's products have earned a reputation as the very best and are the most trusted by audio and video professionals. Perhaps this is why every Presidential Inauguration and Super Bowl since 1996 has been broadcasted on professional audio/video systems running on balanced AC power from Equi=Tech Corporation. Commitment No company is more adept than Equi=Tech is at assisting its customers and professional associates who specify balanced power products for their clients. As "The Pioneer of Balanced Power", Equi=Tech's staff of application experts, engineers and technicians have shouldered the burden of not only keeping their customers happy, but educating many thousands of professional engineers and end users who have called upon Equi=Tech for information and answers to a multitude of problems or design issues in a complex technical world. Electrical and applications engineers are always welcome to call with questions or ask for assistance. Equi=Tech has the answers. Who else would? It is a rare occasion when technical support comes up short or misses the mark. Balanced power technology speaks for itself in nearly every instance where it is applied. Many mythical practices and technical solutions (e.g. FIPS 94 Grounding Data for Signal Reference Grids in EDP Facilities) that have attempted to explain or solve difficult and perplexing technical noise issues have been laid to rest -- a testament to the efficacy and simplicity of balanced power products and the technology itself. However, there have been times when the technical landscape has proven to be challenging. It is impossible to anticipate every single scenario. Usually, on rare occasions when positive results have not been spectacular and immediately forthcoming, the end user's equipment or system setup configuration (e.g. a project recording studio) has almost invariably been found to be flawed in some way which is the cause of the problem. Technical support at Equi=Tech is committed to go the extra mile anyway, even if a problem is not related to the Equi=Tech system itself. Equi=Tech's website is also an abundant source of technical papers and support documents that address a multitude of technical issues. Over the years, there have been very few mystery problems that failed to resolve with a little logical deduction. Out of the many thousands of applications where Equi=Tech balanced power systems have been used, only a fraction of one percent have had problems that stumped the experts and then, usually only for lack practical testing availability have there been any prevailing problems at all. The technical support for Equi=Tech customers, specifying engineers and installers is without equal in the industry. Equi=Tech's support staff is simply the best at diagnosing, troubleshooting and fixing even the most stubborn noise issues in most every type of facility. When one can confidently rule out power as a source of objectionable noise, many problems that seemed impossible to solve at one time often give way to the simplest test procedures. Equi=Tech is committed to customer satisfaction like few companies are today. Always is an absolute that no one can claim. It's simply not realistic. However the track record of Equi=Tech's technical support is as close to "always" as one can expect to find anywhere in any field. Technology Solving noise problems is a relative thing. When noise becomes an issue that affects system performance to the point where it is simply unacceptable, we call that a problem. However noise is a relative thing. When one considers noise, often there is an acceptable level that engineers and technicians regard as something normal that can be worked around or tuned out. Wherever that level happens to be under normal operating conditions is where one defines a system's limit in terms of resolution or accuracy. Above that level we have data, below that level, we have nothing. Resolution stops there. Often people mistake balanced power as a "problem solver" which it is, however its potential value is far greater in terms of how it can enhance an electronic signal system's accuracy, resolution, throughput, bandwidth or dynamic range. Whether the system is digital or analog based, when the "acceptable" level of noise is significantly reduced, greater accuracy, resolution, bandwidth, throughput or dymamic range is greatly enhanced. Equi=Tech is committed to research and development of the technology and finding ways of attenuating an ever wider bandwidth of high frequency AC noise and at the greatest reduction in amplitude possible. As science and technology advance further into the realm of greater accuracy and higher resolution, the problem of high frequency harmonics will continue to become more critical as a limiting factor that affects the accuracy and resolution of the most sophisticated electronic systems and testing and manufacturing equipment. Equi=Tech Corporation holds US patents for balanced power systems that are almost perfectly balanced and yield an ultra-wide bandwidth of AC noise attenuation, cancelling out high frequencies that competitive units can't touch, even when they are equipped with additional AC line filters. Theoretically, a perfectly balanced AC system with zero impedance to ground will cancel out harmonic currents even up in the Gigahertz range. Today, there is no balanced power system that compares to the bandwidth and amplitude of noise rejection routinely achieved, even in the least expensive product that Equi=Tech produces. The precision, accuracy and effectiveness of Equi=Tech's products make each of them a finely tuned noise canceling instrument without equal in the marketplace. Equi=Tech has spent years improving its products while others have expended effort marketing inferior products that are less accurate and lack the typical broad band noise attenuation every Equi=Tech system delivers. Equi=Tech has been the industry leader from the very beginning and will be for many years to come. As some manufacturing costs come down, Equi=Tech will be there with even more accurate balanced power systems that will remain quieter and quieter under load than ever. Equi=Tech Corporation, as always, is thoroughly committed to refining this revolutionary new technology in AC power quality. (view less)

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