Today we’re going to discuss drum overheads. We’re starting out with 3 different types of microphones – things really typical to see in drum overheads. You’ve got a FET Large Diaphragm Condenser (LDC) with the Neumann U87. You’ve got a FET Small Diaphragm...
As drummers, there are very few avenues where you can express yourself without being heard in some capacity. Let’s face it, drums can be loud. Whether it be acoustic drums or electronic drums, sound will travel and some people may be less than happy to hear your sonic...
Which Bass Drum Pedal is Right for you? In this installment of Sound Pure Gear Tips, Drums & Percussion Specialist Paul Spencer walks us through 4 different types of bass drum pedals. This includes single-chain, double-chain, strap/belt-drive, and direct-drive...
In this episode of Gear Tips, Sound Pure percussion specialist Paul Spencer tells us what to look for when shopping for a throne. Although a throne might not be the most glamorous piece of equipment, it is the foundation of a player’s control and that makes picking...
In this episode of Gear Tips, Sound Pure drums specialist Paul Spencer Demonstrates how to turn a 14 or 16-inch hanging tom into a floor tom by using a WoldMax Floor Tom Support System. A lot of times, it is an issue to turn your 14-16in hanging tom into a floor tom...
In this episode of Gear Tips, Sound Pure Percussion expert Paul Spencer explains the two major ways to set up toms and how each setup affects your sound. The first method for setting up a tom-tom is mounting it to a cymbal stand or bass drum. When you attach the tom...
Drums specialist Paul Spencer walks us through how different bass drum pedal cam shapes affect the responsiveness and feel of your pedals in this installment of Sound Pure Gear Tips. The cam is the piece of metal on your bass drum pedal that transfers energy from the...
Drummers who have an ear for tone and desire multiple options when playing live or recording in the studio know that a drum’s tone is dependent not only on its material, but on how that material is made into a drum. Metal snare drums offer entirely different tonal...
The hammering and lathing steps of the cymbal manufacturing process are crucial to shaping the overall sound profile of a cymbal. Understanding how these processes change the physical and sonic properties of an unfinished cymbal is important for any drummer looking to...
Cymbals come in a variety of weights and sizes, and produce an array of sounds. They can be bright and explosive, dark and complex, warm and full, classic, modern, and every description in between. Understanding how the physical properties of a cymbal affect its tone...
This post is “Part Two” of our educational series on cymbals. In the previous installment, our drums specialist Paul Spencer dug into the differences between cast and sheet metal cymbals. This time, he discusses the alloys that go into making cymbals. Buckle up for a...
Sound Pure specialist Paul Spencer covers the differences between cast vs. sheet cymbals in this short video (with sound examples). For those of you unfamiliar with the cymbal-making process, cymbals begin life as a molten copper alloy of some sort, typically bronze...