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Cloud Microphones

Cloud Microphones

The story began with RCA* when Harry F. Olson developed the 44 and 77 series of ribbon microphones. Jon R. Sank succeeded Mr. Olson and was challenged by RCA to improve upon Harry’s best microphones. He did just that with the BK11, a direct descendant of the 44 series. It has been an industry secret for many years among top engineers, that the BK-11 is the most advanced ribbon microphone in the world. Beginning at just 10 years old, Stephen Sank studied with his father and began building upon lessons learned from the original RCA laboratory. Jon Sank shared more than 50 years of skill and innovation with his son Stephen before passing away in 1998. Today, Stephen continues the Sank f... (view more)

Cloud Microphones - The story began with RCA* when Harry F. Olson developed the 44 and 77 series of ribbon microphones. Jon R. Sank succeeded Mr. Olson and was challenged by RCA to improve upon Harry’s best microphones. He did just that with the BK11, a direct descendant of the 44 series. It has been an industry secret for many years among top engineers, that the BK-11 is the most advanced ribbon microphone in the world. Beginning at just 10 years old, Stephen Sank studied with his father and began building upon lessons learned from the original RCA laboratory. Jon Sank shared more than 50 years of skill and innovation with his son Stephen before passing away in 1998. Today, Stephen continues the Sank family tradition of developing quality hand crafted ribbon microphones in collaboration with Cloud Microphones. The Cloud JRS-34 takes the next step in the legendary BK-11 and 44 series of ribbon microphones. Made in Tucson Arizona, Cloud’s continued commitment to high quality, USA made, sustainable, and environmentally friendly manufacturing, has created new jobs and economic growth throughout the supply chain. Cloud’s products are made regionally from start to finish, benefiting dozens of small businesses in the process. From metal fabrication in Tucson, SMT circuit board manufacturing and assembly on the Navajo Nation, powder-coating and finishes in Phoenix, to final assembly and testing at Cloud Microphones HQ in Tucson AZ.  Too Dineh Industries ShotCloud Microphones partnership with Tooh Dineh Industries, which is located within the Navajo Nation, remains a wonderful and mutually beneficial relationship to this day.Tooh Dineh Industries is world class in their production and reliability and the quality of work provided is consistently outstanding. The decision to work with Tooh Dineh for SMT circuit board manufacturing and assembly, has helped bring vital well-paying jobs to a community where unemployment levels average 47%. *RCA is a registered trademark of Radio Corporation of America. References to RCA are historical in nature and imply no affiliation with Cloud Microphones. (view less)

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