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Typically used for live applications, used to let certain volume levels of material to pass, and others not reaching the threshold to remain at 0dB. Given Sound Pure is more focused on studio recordings, these gates are used sparingly- that being said, that most certainly still have their purpose. We are glad to discuss with you the gates that we use here, those that we have experience with, and how they might benefit, or get in the way of the studio recordings that you are trying to make. Keep in mind that at Sound Pure, all of us are real working studio engineers, and are glad lend our expertise to helping make your next studio upgrade the best it can possibly be.

Typically used for live applications, used to let certain volume levels of material to pass, and others not reaching the threshold to remain at 0dB. Given Sound Pure is more focused on studio recordings, these gates are used sparingly- that being said, that most certainly still have their purpose. We are glad to discuss with you the gates that we use here, those that we have experience with, and how they might benefit, or get in the way of the studio recordings that you are trying to make. Keep in mind that at Sound Pure, all of us are real working studio engineers, and are glad lend our expertise to helping make your next studio upgrade the best it can possibly be. (view less)

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