Precision microphones handmade in Nashville, TN.

LDC Drum Overhead Shootout: Miktek C7 vs. Lauten Atlantis vs. Neumann TLM 107
In this installment of our drum overhead series, we showcase a few of our favorite LDC microphones: the Miktek C7, the Lauten Atlantis, and the Neumann TLM 107. All three mics were run through our Phoenix DRS8 mic pre and the first generation Apogee Symphony....
SDC Microphone Shootout: CharterOak M900 vs. Josephson C42 vs. Neumann KM184 vs. Miktek C5
In this shootout, we’ve put 4 SDC mics head to head in recording acoustic guitar. We’ve used all of these mics in a variety of applications all over the studio, so we knew we would be able to get some great audio samples. The mics featured are: The...
SDC vs. LDC Microphone Comparison: Miktek C5 & C7 Microphones on Grand Piano
While every mic has it’s own unique voice and response, there are broad characteristics and differences can be found in all Large and Small Diaphragm Condenser microphones. For this comparison we chose the Miktek C5 SDC and the Miktek C7 LDC microphones to show...
SDC vs. LDC Microphone Comparison: Miktek C5 & C7 Microphones on Acoustic Guitar
There are multiple factors that determine what makes microphones sound different from each other, but when speaking about SDCs and LDCs, size is the most important. In this shootout, the Miktek C5 and the Miktek C7 go head to head in showing the effect differences in...
Budget FET Vocal Mic Shootout: Lauten LA-220 v. Studio Projects C1 v. Miktek C1 v. Avantone CK-7
In this comparison between 4 FET vocal microphones, we’ve blind-tested some of our favorite budget FET mics, and put them head to head on male vocals with a little help from pro audio specialist Marc Kuzio. The contending microphones are the Lauten Audio...
2K LDC Tube Mic Shootout on Female Vocals: Pearlman TM1, Miktek CV4, Peluso P67, Telefunken AR51
In this shootout, we’ve rounded up 4 of our favorite LDC mics in the 2k price point and put them head to head on female vocals with a little help from Ayisa Adderley of the band Eyes Eat Suns. The contenders include: The Telefunken Elektroakustik AR-51,...