In this installment of Sound Pure Gear Tips, pro audio specialist Marc Kuzio gives us the rundown on an 8-microphone drum setup. Using 8 mics instead of 4 gives you the ability to be more creative with your drum sound. It provides you with additional textures and a...
Possibly the most daunting task for an engineer new to recording is getting a great drum sound, so, since we’re doing some training with our drum team at the shop and teaching them more about miking up a kit, we decided this was a great opportunity to throw our two...
In this video, Sound Pure’s Todd Atlas explains how using a four-mic setup while recording an acoustic grand piano can make a small, dry room sound like a concert hall. Omni and cardioid capsules are compared using 2 Miktek C5 stereo kits. The omnis pick up a...
One of the easiest setups for acoustic guitar recording is the XY miking technique. Not only is it one of the quickest setups you can do to capture acoustic guitar in stereo, it also is one of the few coincident miking techniques that minimizes phase issues, as it...
In this video, Sound Pure Pro Audio specialist Marc Kuzio provides tips on using mic placement as a form of EQ for both electric and acoustic guitar. Plugin and hardware EQs are great tools to have for tone sculpting, but there’s no replacement to actually...
Learn how to mic an amplifier and get a fast guitar sound! This demo shows a simple, “quick and dirty” way to set up ribbon mics on a pair of stereo amps. In order to achieve this sound, SoundPure expert Fletcher shares a quick trick with a pair of 65 Amp...