Welcome to the Sound Pure blog located here on the brand new www.soundpure.com website. It has been a LONG road for us to get this new site built, but we believe it was worth the wait. It represents three years of work from every single member of our team, and will continue to grow in content and improve in look and usability. The new Sound Pure website has literally hundreds of informative gear videos, thousands of sound clips, and more than ten thousand photos, many of which are only now available for view for the very first time. It will be updated often, and will be featuring numerous feature enhancements that we will be rolling out over the coming weeks and months.
Like our main website, we will be updating this blog very frequently with new posts, videos, and sound clips on recording techniques, new recording gear, and all of the new guitars/amps/pedals that we are constantly testing and demoing. Please check our blog regularly for updates and new posts.

Our customers can always still reach us toll free by phone at 888-528-9703, or internationally by dialing +1 919-682-5552, and by e-mailing sales@soundpure.com with any questions that they have, but we plan for this blog to become a very excellent resource for useful information on guitars and recording (both gear and techniques), and our insight into the hot and new up-and-coming gear that we get our hands on.

Thank you,

-Todd Atlas

Todd Atlas